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My Favorite Quote

I am not someone that pays much attention to quotes, but there are some that catch my eye.

It may be basic, but a quote that has stuck with me since my boyfriend first left for bootcamp is:

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

I lived by this quote in the beginning, and you see its truth after you see them for the first time in a long time. The hug each time after going months of not seeing each other is the BEST!

Another quote that resonates with me is:

“Keep your face always towards the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman.

This is significant and can apply to anything in your life. To me this means if you’re keeping positive and looking for improvement, anything bad or that has been holding you back, will be behind you and in the past.

There has been hard times and great times. Despite it all, I have stayed on the right path towards sunshine and all the shadows (dark days) have fallen behind me.

I am now in the homestretch of my boyfriend being home, for good. You might be sick of me saying that by now, but that is my sunshine.

Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?

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1 коментар

06 лип. 2022 р.

My favorite quote that helped me was “You are a thousand miles away. but no one is closer to my heart than you are.” Which was very ironic because he was almost exactly a thousand miles away!

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